*Private clinics are listed here to announce Ed's location on that day. If you live in the area of a private clinic and would like to schedule a lesson or training session with Ed while he is in your area he may be able to come to your facility the day before or the day after a private clinic. To schedule lessons or training sessions please call 770-314-9254 or email us at ed@eddabney.com .
Scroll down for more information on each clinic.
Your Choice of Clinic Options:
- Six Keys to Harmony -
Essential exercises on the ground and mounted to achieve respect, trust and communication with your horse.
- Trail Clinic -
Riding skills and building your horse's courage for safety and control on the trail
- Essential Riding Skills -
Gaining high quality of control of speed and direction at all gaits through a blending of 16th century classical riding techniques and natural horsemanship.
- Advanced Riding Skills -
Developing light responses in transitions and upper level lateral movements
- Independent Seat -
Developing the truly balanced, secure and centered seat at all gaits. (This clinic is usually arranged as individual one hour lessons throughout the day with the other participants and spectators watching the lessons.)
- Problem Solving for the horse or rider -
Finding effective solutions for behavior problems or rider issues. (This clinic is usually arranged as individual one hour lessons throughout the day with the other participants and spectators watching the lessons.)
- Colt Starting Clinic -
Under our coaching you will work with your young horse to teach him to accept the saddle and rider as well as fundamental exercises for control of speed and direction.
- Safe and Natural Horse Handling Clinic
designed for veterinarians, vet techs, vet students and other equine medical treatment providers to learn safe and natural methods for controlling and restraining horses without the use of sedatives and mechanical devices.
- Military Cavalry or Mounted Police Clinic -
Mounted drill maneuvers, crowd control, riding through obstacles, desensitizing to a variety of unusual stimuli including gunfire
- Beginner Roping and Ranch Horsemanship Clinic -
Even if participants are not planning on roping or performing ranch work, their riding skills and horsemanship will be improved in this clinic along with having lots of fun helping their horse learn new skills. This clinic can also include cow work such as tracking, driving, penning, sorting, roping and cutting.
- Horsemanship Demonstration or Lecture -
Ed is available to present specialized horsemanship demonstrations or lectures custom designed for your group to fit your location and time schedule. This can be done with or without a horse present.

"Very knowledgeable horseman. Fantastic instruction, spot on, starting with the basics that riders at any level need to have mastered. My class was everything I had been looking for in quality instruction from a horseman with a broad range of experiences and understanding. Kudos. "
"What an amazing clinic with Ed Dabney - I've been to a lot of them with different clinicians through the years and this one definitely topped them all - I will definitely have him back next year. Thanks so much Ed for a super weekend and all you taught us. "
-Joanne, South Carolina
"I've been to several other clinics, even week long clinics and have not learned as much as I did this weekend. Your patience(unbelievable) and your clear way of explaining everything brought me to a better relationship with my horse which is concisely what I was seeking! Thanks again!!" -Tracy Whiddon, Georgia
"I just want to be sure to thank you for all your hard work and individual attention at the clinic. Obviously, it was the first time Tuff and I had ever done anything like this and it certainly was an eye-opener for me. You gave us some techniques that I can apply immediately in order to build a relationship with her and to education both of us!
I have to tell you that the clinic was probably the most informative and productive thing I have ever done with one of my horses. Now, I look forward to learning more." -Sue Kerr
"I want to say I thoroughly enjoyed the clinic and that you are an excellent teacher. I learned a tremendous amount over the weekend and am a testament that you CAN 'teach an old dog new tricks'. I am looking forward to participating in your 'upcoming' advanced riding clinic!" - Dick Hussey
"Ed, Your video is AWESOME. What I think I like about it most, among many other things is: you get it, Ed. Totally. All that Natural Horsemanship is and was meant to be. I see so few who really get it. I can count on two hands the rest who truly get it. And you do. Not just in talk, but in action. And you articulate it so well. In just the right detail" - Sylvia Scott
"Hi Ed, Rick and I so enjoyed the clinic. You were so helpful and we learned so much. I just can't believe how much we learned in 2 days! Your communication and teaching skills are excellent and so easy to understand and learn from. We could not have asked for a better experience for our first clinic. We will be back for more!!
The thing we appreciated most of all is your love of the Lord!
Can't Wait Till Next Time! Thank You! " - Rick & Rene Compton, Columbus, NC
"I can't begin to tell you of the improvements in my confidence, riding, relationship with my horse and other's horses, that those few days of training at Highland Ranch with you, has done for me. The new bridle we bought from you has been great and my horse Kahlua responds so much better with it. Jeannie's horse Baylea has responded much better as well and watching the Six Keys video has been a good reinforcement of what we learned. Thanks so much for being such a great and positive influence." -
Wayne & Jeannie Coe,
Spectators welcome
 Photo Credit: Wayne Coe, California |
Please let us
know if you would like to schedule a group or private training
session with Ed during one of our Horsemanship Lesson Days.
We schedule private and/or group lessons throughout the
day to work on whatever issues the participants want to
work on. You just let us know what you want to work on,
how long you want the lesson to last, what time of day is
best for you and if you want a private lesson or want to
be put with a group who might be working on similar issues.
Lesson fee is $150.00
per hour. These lessons are scheduled on a first come first serve
To schedule a lesson please contact
us at ed@eddabney.com, or call770-314-9254 |