DABNEY Gentle Horsemanship
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If you want to experience a truly amazing riding holiday, I highly recommend "Sicily on Horseback" owned and operated by my long time friend and professional outfitter, Franco Barbagallo. Franco hosted our US guests on the four riding trips we conducted in Sicily over the past few years.

I am happy to give Christy Dicolla my highest recommendations for her very effective and professional equine massage therapy. I consider Christy as an important member of the team of professionals we use at our training and rehab facility to help evaluate and treat horses that are sent to us. Christy also regularly treats my personal horses. Christy's intensive care and treatment of one of my horses that had a serious muscle injury absolutely healed this horse and returned him to complete soundness. It is very beneficial that Christy uses a variety of treatment methods depending on the particular needs of each individual horse. I am very impressed with Christy's extensive knowledge of equine muscle/skeletal system, biomechanics and natural homeopathic remedies. I am honored to have Christy as part of our "team"! www.christydicollabodywork.com/
Veterinary Equine Dentistry
Diane Febles, DVM
I have been very pleased with Dr. Febles professionalism and skill in treating my clients horses and my personal horses.
Yu Lien Yu is a very talented artist who truly captures the horse's inner spirit in her beautiful portraits. She has painted some amazing portraits of our horses and dogs.
Our good friends in Italy make a very practical and useful mobile saddle and tack carrier. I have personally seen their products and can definitely recommend them. They are hand crafted with top quality workmanship and materials.
My good friend John Hutcheson does an excellent job of breeding and training fine Morgan horses and always has some really nice horses for sale.
My friend, Jennifer Bowman, is an excellent horsewoman and top breeder of world class Arabians and Cutting horses. I invite you to visit her very attractive web site. www.visionequine.net

I really love my Sundowner trailer! I believe it is the highest quality trailer available. It is easy to see that the horse's comfort and safety are very important to the designers of these trailers. They have thought of every way a horse can get hurt in a trailer and have designed the trailer to prevent injuries and to be easy to use and smooth to tow. I have had my current trailer for over three years, put many miles on it and have had no trouble with it. Please visit my good friends, Debbie and Lamar Mullinax at Sundowner of Georgia in Covington, GA. They are great folks and offer amazing customer service.
We are now using the Equicizer to the great benefit of our riding students during lessons and clinics. The Equicizer truly helps the rider feel the rhythm of the horse's movement, develop a balanced seat and assume the correct posture. Many thanks to our good friend and developer of the Equicizer, award winning jockey, Frank Lovato, Jr.
When you are in the Columbus, NC area please stop by and see my good friend, Paula, at Re-Ride tack shop. I love to look around in her store. She always has lots of interesting items.
Re-ride is a consignment tack shop located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains outside of Tryon & Columbus, NC. They have been in business since October of 2002. They have 400 plus consignors and over 1600 square feet of display floor. Please visit her web site at http://re-ride.com/.