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Heidi Potter Connection Clinic



Mansfield, GA
Covered Arena
Aug 2 @ 9:30 am - Aug 4 @ 5:30 pm

Participant Fees:
Horse Speak session on Friday and Saturday August 2 & 3 - $600

Thursday evening August 1st is a classroom session held inside the stable from 6:00-pm to 7:30pm

Centered Riding Session on Sunday August 4 - $300
or All three days - $750

Private lesson with Heidi on Monday August 5 - $125

Spectator Fee - $75 per day

Horse Rental for the Centered Riding Session - $50


Release and Hold Harmless Policy
Cancellation Policy


Horse Speak (Precise Equine Body Language Skills) & Centered Riding combine to create a unique, one-of-a-kind clinic experience!

For this clinic Heidi brilliantly combines Horse Speak, (Precise Equine Body Language Skills) & Centered Riding to create a unique, one-of-a-kind clinic experience for all levels and disciplines of riders. The result is safer, calmer, more enjoyable interactions for horses and riders.

Horse Speak Days 1 & 2 – These days include workshops in theory, interactive exercises with humans, herd observation, self-awareness practices, interpretation, and communication with horses at liberty and in-hand. **Horses Are Provided For These Two Days**

Heidi considers Horse Speak “the missing link” in horsemanship practices today. It is communication, not training, and is guaranteed to enhance everything people do with horses. It enhances every horse/human interaction from pleasure riding, ranching, competition to stable management practices by simply creating rapport, mutual respect and trust. Heidi will include demos on how Horse Speak can help reshape undesirable behaviors through deeper understanding, from the horse’s point of view. Learn how to begin “reading & listening” to what support the horse is truly seeking in any given moment, and how to respond to them using their own language system.

Centered Riding Day 3 – On this day Heidi will share the concepts of Centered Riding as learned from neighbor, friend, mentor, and the founder of Centered Riding, the late Ms. Sally Swift. The morning begins with a workshop that includes theory, self-awareness exercises and practicing the CR “Basics” of Soft Eyes, Breathing, Centering, and Balance with human partners. In the afternoon participants will ride in small groups to practice their new discoveries.

The Basics along with “Grounding” and “Awareness” leads riders to improved security, comfort, confidence and connection in the saddle. The quiet, effective, communication between horse and rider begins to unfold when the Basics are applied, bringing you both one step closer to riding in pure harmony.

Because the focus of this day is on the rider Heidi suggests using quiet, obedient horses. “Walk/Trot” horses are very appropriate for this first ride.

Riders Choice Day 4 (Monday, August 5) – This optional “add-on” day is for those who want a private or semi-private session with Heidi to expand on their clinic experience in any topic and/or for individual problem solving. These sessions can be at liberty, in-hand or in the saddle. 

Horses are available . Inquire with Ed to reserve.

Click here to download the clinic brochure.

More information on Heidi's website.