
"Your Horse CAN do this:"
well mannered horse does all the following consistently
Stands and faces me when I go in the pasture or corral to catch him
Lowers his head into the halter or bridle
Yields from my touch, look or rhythmic pressure anywhere on his body
Stays respectfully out of my space when I’m leading him
When leading him, he stops when I stop and backs up when I back up
Respects my personal space and never touches me with any part of his
Allows me to touch him anywhere on his body with my hands, rope, saddle,
Picks up his feet to give them to me on cue
Walks in the horse trailer when I direct him towards the open door
Stands quietly without being tied while saddling
Stands still for mounting and waits for me to ask him to move off
Allows me to make all decisions concerning speed and direction
Follows my focus and cues with willing, fluid movement
Crosses water and other obstacles without resistance
Rides away form the barn and other horses without resistance
Stands tied patiently
Stands with me after the halter is off until I walk away
horse should not be expected to accept things from humans that should
not be done to it in the first place such as:
Inconsiderate or rough handling
cues, requests and signals
Using jerking or poking movements instead of calm, steady pressure
Patting or smacking with hand (rub your horse)
Dropping his feet back on the ground instead of lowering them down
Carelessly tossing a saddle on his back (lift it on smooth and easy
with a soft landing)
Displays of any emotionally based reaction from us, such as anger
or impatience
Any type of physical punishment or traumatic experience
DABNEY Gentle Horsemanship 2006