Kenya Horseback Safari

A nine-day adventure in the Masai Mara wilderness area

Africa Horseback AdventureSeptember 23 - October 1, 2014

Our Kenya Masai Mara Ride, September 23 – October 1, 2014, takes place during the Great Migration, the largest migration of animals on planet Earth, see it, be a part of it, on horseback or from vehicle.

A horseback mobile camp safari is one of the most unique and unforgettable adventures you’ll ever have.

Spend 9 days with Ed Dabney riding the magnificent Masai Mara Plains in Kenya and take home a lifetime of memories.

Nine-day horseback adventure in the Masai Mara wilderness area

The word safari evokes images of trekking through vast wilderness apart from civilization and surrounded by exotic wild game; elephant, lion, hippo, cheetah, giraffe, wildebeest, gazelle, and a myriad of multi- colored birds. Now imagine being on horseback surrounded by those same animals.

Spend an evening listening to the singing of Masai warriors before a peaceful sleep.
Gather your horse the following morning to ride across sweeping savannas.
Experience the Mara in a unique way that can only be done on horseback.
(click on photo for larger version)

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Kenya Horseback SafariThe Mara Ride 2014 takes us into the Greater Mara Conservancies, an area of approximately 5,000 sq. km. of savannah's, woodlands, and the Mara and Olare Orok rivers. Our traditional and very comfortable canvas mobile camp will allow us to move across the Mara during our 9-days in the bush. The September ride occurs during the Great Migration when up to a million wildebeest make their northern trek. It is considered the most dramatic wildlife spectacle in the world, and you will be a part of it, riding among these vast herds. Each day our ride of 20 to 40 km begins with a joyful “Jambo” and coffee at your tent. Your sturdy experienced mount will carry you out to see the beauty and wonders of the Mara. At days end, back in camp over a wonderful dinner, you’ll share thoughts and experiences of the day and finally to bed where a hot water bottle awaits you under the duvet. Our outfitter is the best in Kenya with over 30 years’ experience providing absolutely the highest quality horseback safari.

If you have dreamed of riding up on wild elephants grazing in the tall grass, or stopping and observing a herd of giraffe only a few meters from you, or falling asleep with the sounds of hippos in the rushing river outside your tent, then you want to experience the Masai Mara Ride.

The sights, sounds, and emotions of riding with exotic wildlife all around you and traveling across a vast expanse of unspoiled, open plains on a fine horse will create memories to last a lifetime.

The Mara is a unique place. It knows what each guest needs to take away with them, and everyone does just that as they traverse this magnificent and mystical landscape. Your experience is one you will recall time and time again after you return home.

Wyoming Cowboy Adventure


Horseback Riding with ZebrasThe cost of this adventure is $9,500 which may be paid in installments. The safari group accommodates 12 riders and 3 non-riders in vehicles. Rates are per person and include accommodations, ground transportation and park fees. * Not including airfare.

Non-rider slots are perfect for non-riding spouses or partners, photographers, and others simply wanting the opportunity to experience the Masai Mara in a close and personal way.

Note: Pricing is subject to change due to changes in taxes and fees in Kenya.

Africa - The Ultimate Horseback Adventure!


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Beautiful Video Narrated by our outfitter:

Wonderfully written articles by my friend, Wendy Murdoch, who has been on several horseback safaris with our outfitter:

Wendy Article 1     Wendy Article 2

Wyoming Cowboy Adventure