you for your interest in hosting an Ed Dabney clinic. We would be
happy to come to your location and present our Horsemanship Clinic.
teaching style is very clear and straight-forward, giving students
a systematic approach which is easy for both horse and rider to
understand and apply. Ed’s gentle methods have been proven
effective by successfully working with hundreds of horses and humans.
Participants and spectators will learn problem solving principles
and teaching techniques that work with the horse's nature and instincts
in order to overcome resistances with confidence, patience and understanding.
clinics are applicable to any riding discipline - English or Western,
show or pleasure. Participants will develop a better relationship
with their horse- lighter responses, more respect, trust, and harmony.
They will understand how their horse perceives the ideas presented
to him and how to communicate with him in the way he communicates
with other horses. This is all accomplished with respect for the
horse by using gentle, natural horsemanship techniques.
as well as advanced riders have found the skills taught in our clinics
and lessons to be very useful. Ed’s system of working with
horses builds confidence in handling horses on the ground and mounted,
equips owners with natural communication skills and establishes
their authority as a confident, consistent leader for their horse.
Our clinic will provide a good benefit for the facilities' present
boarders and students as well as bring new visitors to the facility.
Our web site features color flyers which you can download and customize
for your clinic date and location. These professionally designed
flyers could be posted in your area tack and feed stores to bring
more visibility to your facility.
We guarantee participants will definitely get their money's worth
of knowledge and skill development for the weekend. Throughout the
weekend Ed teaches non-stop and convey as much information as the
participants can absorb. Along with addressing the group, Ed also
spends personal time with each participant answering their questions
and helping with their particular issues.
Thirty years of working with horses in the ranching, motion picture and
training industries along with my formal training in 17th century classical
equitation provide me with a very unique and broad basis of skills and
knowledge to pass on to clinic participants. They'll learn gentle
horsemanship and classical riding techniques that you've never seen before
and that are not taught at any other clinic.
Since we charge a flat fee per day, the clinic host has lots of flexibility
about how to arrange the clinic as far as how many participants and how much
to charge each participant. After expenses are paid the clinic host keeps
all other income including spectators, concessions, etc. All of our past
clinic hosts have made a profit when hosting our clinics.
Please contact us if you wish to discuss more details.
Below are a few testimonials from past clinic participants:
"Dear Ed,
The clinic and lessons were so great! I was impressed with your magnificient touch with the horses and your teaching skills. I feel the relation between me and my horse is getting better every day. I hope you had a good journey in Europe and we will see you soon here in Kokkola!
Best wishes "
-Katja Pulkkinen,
Kokkola Finland
Dear Ed,
The past weekend at Highland Ranch was a turning point in my deciding to "do
it right". I've ridden for years, even started a horse or two but without
professional training. There is a gap between common sense and obtaining
"harmony" with your horse. You opened up a new communication for me in my
learning that will continue on to benefit each horse I ride. I can't wait
till Spring. I have another horse to bring and hope we've already gotten the
6 keys down and are ready for the advanced clinic!
What I liked about the clinic was that you gave a clear explanation for each
thing that you presented. You explained "why" something worked, "how"
something worked and "when" to use it. I also benefited from your having an
assistant. At each clinic someone invariably needs more 1 on 1 attention
than the rest. I've patiently waited through a lot of time spent on someone
else's problems and although there's something to be learned watching, it
really cut into what the presenter was trying to accomplish for the group as
a whole.
Thanks for using a God given gift to help others.
Sharmaine Ege
Hi Ed,
I really enjoyed the clinic this past weekend. I used to be an Equine Sales
Representative for Fort Dodge Animal Health. I was on the road for a couple
of years and part of my job was to set up booths at Expo's and clinics for
many different clinicians. With that, I have been exposed to a number of
clinicians and clinics.
I would like to tell you that I think your clinic was one of the best I've
seen and participated in. I think you do an excellent job of presenting
things. I found the "history" lesson and the explanation of your program on
Friday night very intriguing and interesting. I thought your clinic was
very organized and professional.
The thing I like the most is I felt that you were sincerely there to teach
and help (there's many clinicians that do not seem that way). You presented
the program you have built for yourself and explained why and how it all
works. You were very eager to offer help.
Again, I think the clinic was great and can't wait to attend another.
Thanks again for a great weekend.
Tara Maxwell
Hi Ed,
Our intensive weekend really established me as his leader and bonded us
tighter than super glue! My mastery of the Six Keys to Harmony may have
been dismal, but in May Day's mind just going thru the exercises together
really formed the foundation for a tremendous partnership. He gained trust
in my leadership and we are enjoying many miles and hours of peaceful,
quiet, controlled trail riding. We are having FUN!!!
I no longer fear him, and he in return has complete trust in me. It is a
really beautiful relationship that without a doubt was cemented that
My relationship with May Day is nothing short of a miracle. He is
everything I would want in a perfect trail horse.
The first trail ride after your clinic I observed a real change in him. He
took the lead, crossed water without hesitation, moved a herd of calves who
attempted to be aggressive with him, and did side passes to allow me to open
gates, all confidently and quietly. The few times he might have spooked, he
relied on my leadership to remain calm and keep his feet moving.
God bless you and the work you are doing.
Judi Ludwic
here to view our three page clinic host kit in pdf format. To
download, right-click the link and "Save Link Target As..."
to your hard drive.

here to download participant registration form.